Choosing Between Glasses And Contacts

Comparing Contact Lenses vs Eyeglasses

Corrective eyewear helps patients who have a variety of vision problems, such as myopia, astigmatism, and hyperopia, see more clearly. If you need to decide whether to wear eyeglasses or contacts, consider the benefits and drawbacks of both options. Thankfully, an eye doctor on our team at Vision Plus, serving San Antonio, TX, can help.


Both glasses and contact lenses provide effective ways to improve your vision. However, contacts have a few small advantages in this area. Eyeglasses sometimes fog up; contacts won't do this as long as they're kept clean. Likewise, contacts don't have frames and offer the best coverage of peripheral vision.


Another advantage of contact lenses is that they don't change how your face looks. This is very important to some individuals. On the other hand, it's a matter of personal preference. Some people like how they look when wearing eyeglasses, depending on the glasses' frame style, color, and size.

Safety & Upkeep

A major benefit of wearing eyeglasses is that cleaning and maintenance are much easier. They can also be handled without touching the eyes, reducing the likelihood of dangerous eye infections. If you choose contacts, it's vital to follow the directions on using, cleaning, and replacing them. This means you might prefer glasses if you're often busy and have little spare time.


Do you like to play sports or engage in rough activities? If so, remember to mention this to an eye doctor on our team because contact lenses may be best in this situation. Glasses can fall off, become dirty, or break.

Get Contacts, Eyeglasses, and Eye Care from an Optometrist Near You

An eye doctor on our team can examine your eyes and help you make the best decision. If you're looking for an experienced eye care provider, turn to our optometry team at Vision Plus, serving San Antonio, TX, and the surrounding area. Our friendly, knowledgeable experts will help find a solution that suits your vision needs, preferences, and budget. Call us at (210) 520-6353 for contacts, eyeglasses, and eye care from an optometrist near you.


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